A sad man

1, Let go and forgive

Forgiveness is easier said than done. But on the other hand, resentment is the thief of joy. So you forgive others to save yourself from frustration, resentment and negativity.

Understand that Everyone has their own challenges and setbacks. We all have different backgrounds, upbringings and life experiences. We show up in the world and treat others differently based on how we get treated. Some people may have received little support, love and kindness from others. That may be why they do not know what kindness and support truly mean, how beautiful and heartfelt it is to receive and give support because they barely have people supporting them in their life.

Do not take it personally. It is not about you but about them and what they have been through.

The main focus here is not them. It is you. You cannot control or manipulate anyone’s behaviour or responses ( you should not manipulate anyone by all means). We can only control our actions and how we respond and, where possible, forgive and respond with respect and grace.

2, better opportunities are coming your way

The fact that someone could not help and support you allows you to find other opportunities that could be better than the opportunity you expect to have from that person. The better opportunities that you may not seek if the you do not get rejected

Do your best and relax, detach and let go. Live without attachment or entangling yourself to a particular path or an idea. Instead, allow space for other possibilities to flow and manifest in your life.

Nothing is certain, do your best to create opportunities for yourself.

3, what you put out, always comes back.

do not stop being kind and supportive just because of the unkind and unsupportive people

The quality of the intention you put into the world will determine what is coming your way.

If you provide opportunities for others to grow and be successful with ease, you will receive support to succeed from somewhere else with ease.

Just because you do not receive the love and support from the place and people you give to does not mean you will not receive the love and support from somewhere else.

With the law of causes and effect, you may not receive the love and the support from the place and the people you gave love and support to, but sooner or later, you will receive the love and the support with the exact quality you put out from somewhere else.

4, Never stop developing yourself and seek a better path.

Keep growing and making progress every day. But right now, you may still need to wait to see the result.

Every meaningful thing takes time.

For example, you may not see the trees grow when planting the seed, but the progress is happening under the soil. So sooner or later, you will see the tree will grow and blossom above the ground.
Similarly, with the investment in your growth, you may wait to see the result. But progress is happening. So keep watering, fertilising and caring for your dream; sooner or later, the beautiful flowers and the sweet fruits of success will blossom in front of your eyes.

Never stop growing
Never stop seeking opportunities
Never attach to one path or idea
Never stop putting pure intention into the world with whatever you are doing.
Never stop living in the present moment and appreciate what life can offer
Never stop being compassionate, forgiving, and caring for yourselves and others around you

a woman studying

5, Don’t settle for less.

Suppose you have done your very best and still do not receive the support you deserve. Then it is time to move on and find somewhere or someplace that values you and what you can offer.

You deserve more and better opportunities are waiting for you.

Remember, what you put out always comes back; it may not be from different places or people you give to.

By Nang souphaphone

Here I share the most profound insight I gain from over 20 years of spiritual practice and 6 years of personal development.

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