Time and Life are inseparable. Time and life are interconnected.

Another year passed by, month, day, hour, minute, and second. Are you truly live?

TIEM, these 4 letters represent the determinator of the cycle of life and every aspect of all beings.

Message to TIME:

you are there, moving effortlessly, and nothing, no one, no power, can stop nor influence your pace. You are free, floating, fearless and flawless.

You just be; you do not fasten, nor are you slow down.

You are free from all things; you have existed and will continue to live long after. in your existence, you determine the existence of all things and all beings.

You own no one, and no one owns you.

There are countless beginnings and endings in your presence, births and deaths, pain and healing, loves and hates, cries and laughers, illusions and truth, ignorance and enlightenment.

In your presence, countless lives begin and end.

Message to everyone whose lives depend on the time:

Change takes time; trust takes time; healing takes time; growth takes time; relationship takes time; true love takes time; healthy habits take time; building dreams takes time; everything meaningful takes time.

Time is the most valuable, priceless and un-refillable heritage nature gifted to all beings and us, human beings.

Time is not money, but rather time is life.

Wasting time is wasting life.

The moment we are born is the moment we start counting down our existence in this world. We cannot recall nor restore the time we spend; once it is gone, it forever never returns.

As the time of our lives passes by, each day and each moment ensures you live.

Time and life are inseparable and  interconnected

Time is life

By Nang souphaphone

Here I share the most profound insight I gain from over 20 years of spiritual practice and 6 years of personal development.

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